  • Nonogram Solver 1.0 reloaded

    Nonogram Solver 1.0 reloaded

    9.3 1.0 2025-02-20

Nonogram Solver - The way solving your nonogram riddles in an automatic way

You have spent many hours to solve a nonogram puzzle(or known as Hanjie, Paint by Numbers, Pixel Puzzles, Pic-a-Pix, Griddlers, Shady Puzzles)?

--- Please use Nonogram Solver 2020, because it uses the libraries of Android 8 and not Android 2 (much faster) ---

You are on a geocaching tour and you have to solve a puzzle?

Now, you want to see only the solution?

This program calculates the solution for a lot of nonograms puzzles (until a size of 15X15). The usage is very easy. Just input the row and column constraints and it calculates the solution

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